Find us at these markets and fairs in Southern California & Beyond:

Winter Faire, 12605 Culver Blvd. Los Angeles, CA, Saturday, Dec 14th 10am to 4pm
The Venice Fest Holiday Pop-up market
Venice & Grandview Blvd - Sundays 10am to 4 pm in December (leading up to the Holidays)
GOETHE International Charter School
Winter Concert & Bazaar - Entrance on Westlawn Avenue, Los Angeles, CA - December 10th
Central Park / Old Pasadena - 3rd weekend April and November
Indie Artisan Fair
Culver City Rock'N Roll Artwalk
Ivy Station - October
Find us at our 'usual' spot on Madison Street (across from Blue Ocean Robata & Sushi Bar) - First Sunday in May and November
Irvine Fine Arts Center (Yale Ave) - First Saturday in June and November
Irvine Holiday market (Great Park, Irvine) - First Weekend in December
Hermosa Pier - Memorial Day Weekend (Saturday, Sunday & Monday)
Saint Mark School Fall Festival & Carnival
912 Coeur D'Alene Avenue, Venice, CA - October
Valley Drive between 15th and 21st Streets in Manhattan Beach, CA - First weekend in October
Abbott Kinney Blvd. - Last Sunday in September
Newport Beach - Art in the Park
Newport Beach Civic Center - September
San Clemente Fiesta Music Festival
100 & 200 Block of Avenida Del Mar - August